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For making transaction or registration with D.COMMUNICATIONS, INC. (hereinafter referred to as "DCOM"), Customer must accept the Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as " Agreement") of the International Money Transfer Service (hereinafter referred to as the “Services") set forth herein, so Customers (both of individual and corporate Customer, hereinafter referred to as "Customer") use of this Services, indicates their acceptance of this Agreement. Article 1: Definition. 1. Application Request: means an electronic or physical form issued by DCOM which shall be used for conducting the registration of a Customer in order to become a Registered Member. 2. Customer: means a person who has been properly identified and registered with DCOM for the purposes of using DCOM Remittance Service as a Sender or Receiver (as the case may be) in the Territory in accordance with the requirements of the International Money Transfer Agreement and has agreed to and accepted the Terms and Conditions of the DCOM Remittance Services or any person who uses the DCOM Remittance Service at a physical Location (as the case may be). 3. Customer’s Virtual Account: means the electronic records held by the DCOM for the Customer which shall be used for the Customer for the Send or Receive transactions which are conducted via the DCOM website as part of the Services, as regulated by the Act on Settlement of Funds Article 52 and Cabinet Office Ordinance on Fund Transfer Service Providers Article 33. 4. DCOM’s Reps: means any entity offering the DCOM Services. 5. DCOM’s Website: means https://www.sendmoney.co.jp or https://sendmoney.co.jp 6. Member’s Account Page: means the webpages, which a Registered Member can access with a username and password and which is used by the Customer for the Send or Receive transactions and several other services which are conducted via the DCOM website as part of the Services 7. Membership Number: means the unique number issued by DCOM for each Registered Member for use when conducting Send Transaction or Receive Transaction. 8. Official Document: means any document issued by a government or a government agency to identify Customer. 9. Payment Request: means an application made by Receiver for collection of funds. 10. Receiver: means a Customer who is the recipient of a Receive Transaction. 11. Registered Member: means a Customer that has been registered and approved by DCOM. 12. Remittance Amount: means the amount that will be received by the Receiver in the destination country. 13. Remittance Funds: means the funds received from the Sender for transfer including the service fees. 14. Remittance Order: means electronic or physical form issued by DCOM which shall be used for processing the Remittance Request. 15. Remittance Request: means an application made by the Sender for the transfer of funds, 16. Remittance Statement: means the statement issued by DCOM detailing the total Remittance Funds received from Sender and the Remittance Amount to be paid to Receiver. 17. RefNo: means the Reference Number or PIN issued by DCOM in relation to a transaction. 18. Sender: means a Customer who conducts the Send Transaction. 19. Services: means the International Money Transfer Service provided by DCOM. Article 2: General Provisions 1. Membership Registration: Customer may apply to become a Registered Member using DCOM’s Website (online) or via submitting an Application Request, which is duly filled with all necessary information and signed by the Customer in person at DCOM’s physical Location. 2. Personal Identification: Customer is required to submit a copy of one or more of his/her Official Documents for the purpose of identification. DCOM shall verify the residential address of the Customer who has applied online, by sending a simple registered mail of Japan Post Office to the address specified in the Official Documents. 3. Contact Information: a. The contact information written by the Customer in the Application Request shall be considered as the correct name, contact address and telephone number. b. DCOM shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from failure to contact the Sender and/or Receiver due to inaccurate information submitted by the Customer on the Application Request. 4. Membership Number: Each Registered Members shall be provided a Membership Number (RMT), which shall be used to communicate with DCOM in every transaction. Customer shall be responsible for strictly managing the Membership Number, which should not be used by a person other than the Registered Member to whom it was issued. If case of misuse of the Membership Number, DCOM shall have the right to discontinue/suspend all transactions with that Registered Member. 5. Reference Number: Customer shall be responsible for strictly managing the Reference Number to ensure they do not become known to any third party. In cases where the Customer notifies the Receiver of the Reference Number, Customer shall ensure that the Receiver also strictly manages such Reference Number. DCOM shall be in no way liable for any losses and damages suffered by the Customer as a result of Reference Number becoming known to a third party. 6. Loading Funds into Customer’s Virtual Account and Limit: a. Loading Funds into Customer’s Virtual Account for Remittance: DCOM shall receive funds for remittance from each Customer through any of the following methods: online, via ATM, at a bank branch or a combination of those methods. b. Limit amount of Loading Funds into Customer’s Virtual Account: Maximum amount that a Registered Member can load into Customer’s Virtual Account is three million Yen (JPY3,000,000). DCOM shall contact Registered Member and refund any amount exceeding the limit to Registered Member. 7. Refunds and Withdraws from Customer’s Virtual Account: a. Registered Member may contact the DCOM call centre and request a refund or withdrawal of a part or all of the funds from Customer’s Virtual Account either in cash or by a bank transfer in case of withdrawal or via bank transfers only in case of refunds, the Customer must provide their Membership Number, bank account number and copy of their Official Document. b. All refunds and withdrawal requests shall be treat as a domestic payment. Therefore, Customer may be charged a fee, which shall be paid to the settlement bank for implementation of the bank transfer, if applicable. All withdrawal requests will normally be processed within 24 hours of receipt of a valid request during banking days. c. Refunds can be performed provided the Receiver has not received the Remittance Amount. 8. Expiration and Renewal of Membership Registration: The duration of a Membership Registration shall be one (1) year from the date of application therefore; the Registration shall be automatically renewed unless either the Customer or DCOM informs the other party otherwise in writing at least one (1) month prior to the expiration date. The Membership Registration shall be renewed for another year from the date of renewal thereof, and the same shall apply thereafter. Termination of Membership Registration is free of charge. 9. DCOM shall immediately stop the Services in whole or in part, or cancel membership without providing prior notice to the Customer when it is revealed that the Customer is any of the following: a. A crime syndicate; A member of a crime syndicate; A quasi-member of a crime syndicate; A company affiliated with a crime syndicate; b. A party that may take violent and illegal action in the pursuit of obtaining unfair profit from enterprises, etc., and who threatens the security of civic life; c. A party that may take violent and illegal action in the pursuit of obtaining unfair profit by imitating or advocating a social movement or political activity, and who threatens the security of civic life; d. In addition to the parties listed in the items above, a group or an individual who uses threats based upon ties to a crime syndicate, or who has financial links with a crime syndicate and is at the core of organized fraud; etc. DCOM shall be in no way liable for any damages occurring to the Customer as a result of the stoppage of the Services or cancellation of membership. Article 3: Provisions of Send Transaction 1. Remittance Request: DCOM only accepts Remittance Requests during business hours designated by DCOM. Remittance Requests shall be submitted to DCOM either in person at DCOM physical Location or via DCOM Website (from Member Account Page) DCOM shall take necessary processes to identify Customer. DCOM may also refuse to accept Remittance Requests for credits to rural banks wherein DCOM and its partner banks will have difficulty delivering the Remittance Amount. In such cases, DCOM may suggest to the Customer alternative ways of receiving the funds, like claiming over the counter of partner banks, pay at home, etc where such services are available. 2. When receiving a Remittance Request, DCOM is required to check certain matters under Laws and regulations governing foreign exchange and taxation, therefore Customer should satisfy the following requirements: a. State the purpose of the remittance and any other required information in the Remittance Request. b. As the case maybe, present the Official Documents for personal identification. c. For any transactions requiring government permission, submit documents proving permission. DCOM may contact the Sender either by email or telephone for each transaction to check certain matters under laws and regulations governing foreign exchange and taxation. 3. When requesting the Services, the Sender shall pay to DCOM the Remittance Funds in Japanese Yen. DCOM shall not accept checks or other instruments except DCOM Discount Coupon as applicable and in accordance with its terms of issue. 4. Implementation of Send Transaction: Payout of a Send Transaction shall be done by DCOM’s Reps in accordance with the Sender’s instruction. DCOM shall inform the Sender either by email or SMS the transaction information right after DCOM has issued the Remittance Order via DCOM’s system. 5. Cancellation of Remittance Request: DCOM has the option to cancel the Remittance Request under the following conditions: a. The purpose of the Customer's remittance is against the Japanese Foreign Exchange laws and regulations; or foreign exchange transactions are suspended by the Japanese Government. b. A War, insurrection, civil unrest or similar circumstances, that will make it difficult to implement the remittance; or freezing of assets or suspension of DCOM’s Reps’ Service occurs or threatens to occur. c. The remittance is suspected to be involved in money laundering related to drugs, crimes, terrorism, etc. d. Upon receipt of a request from the Registered Member provided the Remittance Amount has not been received by the Receiver. In above cases, DCOM shall not be liable for any losses or damages caused by the cancellation. In the case of cancellation by DCOM pursuant to this Paragraph, DCOM shall refund the funds to Sender. 6. In order to affect Remittance Requests, pertinent portions of the Customer's information such as Customer's name, address, telephone number and account number (if applicable), shall be disclosed to DCOM’s Reps including information concerning intermediary bank. 7. Issuance of Remittance Orders: Upon receiving the Remittance Request, unless it is cancelled by DCOM pursuant to Paragraph 5 above, DCOM shall issue a Remittance Order to DCOM’s Reps without delay: a. THE SENDER SHALL CONSENT TO DCOM THAT THE SENDER’S PERSONAL DATA AND THE REMITTANCE DATA PROVIDED ON THE REMITTANCE REQUEST MAY BE DISCLOSED TO DCOM’S REPS IN A MEASURE TO PREVENT MONEY LAUNDERING OR TERRORIST FINANCING AND FOR OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE REASONS. THE SENDER SHALL FURTHER CONSENT THAT DCOM’S REPS MAY SHARE THE INFORMATION WITH ITS SERVICE REPS AND/OR ITS PARENT COMPANIES OR AFFILIATES IN ORDER TO PROVIDE THE SERVICES. b. The transmission method for issuing a Remittance Order shall be determined by DCOM, as it deems appropriate. c. DCOM shall not be responsible, for any losses or damages caused by the handling pursuant to (b) and (c) of this paragraph except where such losses or damages are caused by DCOM’s gross negligence, 8. In order to maintain compliance with anti-money laundering controls and laws, DCOM may, at its sole discretion, request additional information pertaining to the source of funds, prior to the funds being sent. Failure to comply with this request may result in the Customer's registration being either deactivated or cancelled and funds being refunded to the Customer. 9. Remittance Currency: Remittance Request to DCOM shall be in the local currency. 10. Currency Exchange rate: DCOM will use the TTS (Telegraphic Transfer Selling) rate quoted by DCOM on the day when the Remittance Order is implemented. The daily TTS rates of DCOM are determined based on the TTM daily rates provided every morning by Yahoo! Finance between 10:30 am ~ 11:30 am of every day. The daily quoted rates may change during the day, depending on the movement of the JPY with other currencies, and/or the prevailing competitive environment. 11. Send Limit: a. The remittance amount that the Customer may request DCOM to remit in each transaction shall be specified from time to time and shall not exceed one million Japanese Yen (JPY 1,000,000). b. Monthly limit per Customer is two million Japanese Yen (JPY 2,000,000) and yearly limit per Customer is three million five hundred thousand Japanese Yen (JPY 3,500,000). c. The monthly and yearly send limits may change. Customer may check the send limit from Member Account’s Page. Even if DCOM is requested by the Customer to remit an amount exceeding the limit, DCOM shall not be obligated to remit the amount in excess of that limit. 12. Standard Completion Times: Standard completion time for the Service provided by DCOM are as follows (commencing from the time of issuance Remittance Order): a. For credits to bank accounts maintained with DCOM’s partner banks or claiming in cash over the counter of DCOM’s partner banks/agents: within 10 minutes. b. For credit to bank accounts maintained with banks other than the DCOM’s partner banks or claiming in cash over the counter of banks other than the DCOM’s partner banks: within 24 hours. c. For delivery of the cash proceeds "Pay at home" (literally at the door step of the Receiver’s registered address), within 24 – 36 hours, depending on whether the Receiver’s registered address is in a major city, or in a rural area, outside of the main cities. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in case the banks are closed during holidays, Customer's remittances shall be implemented on the next banking day. 13. Service Fees: DCOM service fees are available in the DCOM’s Website. The service fees may be changed by DCOM from time to time. When DCOM receives the Remittance Request, the Sender is required to pay the service fees as prescribed above. The Sender shall not pay any amount other than the service fees at the time of initiation of a send transaction to DCOM or DCOM’s Reps. However, DCOM will charge up to two thousand Yen (JPY2,000) as amendment or cancellation fee per Remittance Order. 14. Confirming status of Remittance Order: DCOM shall e-mail or send SMS to the Sender in the following cases: a. DCOM has received Remittance Funds from the Sender. b. DCOM has issued a Remittance Order to DCOM’s Reps. c. The Remittance Amount has been received by the Receiver or credited to Receiver’s Bank Account. Customer may also check his/her transaction status through DCOM's website. 15. Receiver’s Identification: A Receiver is generally required to present valid identification when receiving funds. A transfer which includes a test question may be paid out upon providing the correct answer to the test question and upon presentation of valid identification by the Receiver. The transfer Reference Number is not always required for a Receiver to receive a transfer. Senders should use caution when sending to Receivers whom they do not know and should not make information about the transaction available to any third party. 16. Amendment, Cancellation and Refund: a. If DCOM determines that it is possible, amendment or cancellation of a remittance can be facilitated upon the Customer's request. Amendments/Cancellations cannot be done in the following cases: i. The transaction is directed to an Account and the remittance amounts has been accepted by DCOM’s Reps. ii. The Remittance Amount is already received by the Receiver. b. Customer can call the DCOM call centre to request for amendment or cancellation. c. The Sender shall also be required to submit, a copy of Customer’s Official Document, to verify the identity of the Sender requesting the amendment/cancellation. d. DCOM shall not be liable for any loss or damage if it cannot amend or cancel a transaction due to non-acceptance of the paying bank or the payout agents in the Receiver’s country, restrictions of the law, emergency restriction by the government or by a Public Body (e.g., the Central Bank, etc.). e. For amendment, the original rate used when the Remittance Order was processed, shall prevail. As for cancellation, the Yen equivalent using DCOM's buying rate of the day when the exact fund is received from concerned paying/crediting bank or correspondent less their charges will be the refund amount. f. All refund requests must be accompanied by a Customer copy of the Remittance Request and Statement of Remittance. All refund requests will be subject to review and discretion, and will normally be processed within 30 days of receipt of a valid request. Refund amount shall be credit to Customer’s bank account. 17. Non-arrival of the Remittance Amount: If the Customer finds that the Remittance Amount has not been received by the Receiver within reasonable and acceptable time frame as communicated by DCOM, Customer should inform DCOM at the earliest possible, in order for DCOM to track the funds and inform the Customer the result in due course. 18. Validity Period: The Remittance Amount shown on the Remittance Statement is valid for 45 days from the initiation of the transfer in the destination country specified on the Remittance Request. After 45 days, a transfer may only be available as a refund to Sender. However, if a transfer is paid out after 45 days, the exchange rate set by DCOM’s Reps may be applied at the time of the payout. If the Remittance Amount is stated both in U.S. Dollars and the destination country’s currency, only the U.S. Dollar amount is valid; the Remittance Amount stated in the destination country’s currency is only an estimate. 19. Transfer Destination: It is the responsibility of the Sender to verify that the intended destination on the Remittance Request is correct. A transfer sent from Japan cannot be received in a country other than the one specified by the Sender. Article 4: Provisions of Receive Transaction 1. Payment Request for the Receive Transaction (“Payment Request”): Payment Request shall only be accepted during business hours designated by DCOM. When requesting payment the Receiver is required to submit a Payment Request duly filled with all necessary information and signed by the Receiver to DCOM either in person or online (from Member Account Page) DCOM shall take necessary processes to identify Customer. In processing a Payment Request, DCOM is required to ascertain certain matters under the Japanese laws and regulations governing foreign exchange and taxation. The Receiver is, therefore, required to satisfy the following requirements: a. State the purpose of the remittance in the Payment Request for the Receive Transaction b. As the case maybe, present the Official Documents for personal identification. c. For any transaction requiring permission or such, present the documents proving the said permission or such. 2. THE RECEIVER CONSENTS THAT THE RECEIVER’S PERSONAL DATA AND THE REMITTANCE DATA PROVIDED ON THE PAYMENT REQUEST IS DISCLOSED BY DCOM TO DCOM'S REPS, AS A MEASURE TO PREVENT MONEY LAUNDERING OR TERRORIST FINANCING AND FOR OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE REASONS. THE RECEIVER FURTHER CONSENTS THAT DCOM'S REPS SHARES THE INFORMATION WITH ITS SERVICE REPS AND/OR ITS PARENT COMPANIES OR AFFILIATES. 3. Payout: DCOM may refuse to pay out the Remittance Amount if the Receiver is unable to meet all the requirements stated in Paragraph 1 above or if DCOM has a reason to believe that one or more applicable laws or regulations of Japan are not satisfied by the Receiver and/or the Sender. 4. Cancellation. Even after Receive Transaction is completed between the Receiver and DCOM, DCOM may cancel the transaction should there be any error or irregularity in transmission of the telegraph or letter authorizing this payment. The Receiver shall agree that, in the case of cancellation, the Receiver shall return the Remittance Amount to DCOM upon request. 5. Receive Currency: Transfers will be paid out only in Japanese Yen. 6. Currency Exchange: DCOM receives a payment order from DCOM's Reps in Japanese Yen, irrespective of the currency in which a Sender makes a remittance. This currency exchange into Japanese Yen is a transaction between the Sender and DCOM's Reps. A currency exchange rate set by DCOM's Reps may be applied. Any difference between the rate given to the Sender and the rate received by DCOM's Reps will be retained by DCOM's Reps. Please ask DCOM for information regarding the exchange rate applicable to your transfer. Article 5: Provisions related to the Payment Services Act 1. Liabilities of undeliverable amount and Performance Security Deposit: a. Liabilities of undeliverable amount which is prescribed in the paragraph 2, Article 43 of the Payment Services Act, is the amount that DCOM takes responsibility for, from the time of receiving of Remittance Funds from Sender (when Sender paid online or over the counter or DCOM was able to confirm the funds in DCOM bank's account) until the time of paying to the Receiver (when Receiver has withdrawn cash over the counter, or received cash at his/her home address, or the bank has credited to a registered bank account). b. In order to protect its Customers, DCOM shall provide a Performance Security Deposit of a value equivalent to or greater than the Liabilities of undeliverable amount plus the expenses for refund procedures of the Local Legal Affairs Bureau as prescribed in Article 43 of the Payment Services Act (Act No.59 of 1999). In addition, in the procedure of execution of the right of deposit for fulfillment based on Article 59 of the same Act, the Sender is the person subject to refund until the remittance amount actually receives by the Receiver. 2. Prevention of Misidentification in Foreign Exchange Transactions Performed by Banks, etc.: The Registered Members shall use the Service based upon full understanding of and consent to the following items: a. The Services are neither a foreign exchange transactions conducted by banks, etc. nor entail the acceptance of deposits, savings and installment savings, etc. (meaning the Installment Savings, etc. prescribed in Article 2.4 of the Banking Act) by DCOM. b. The services are not subject to the payment of insurance pursuant to Article 53 of the Deposit Insurance Act (Act No. 34 of 1971 and including subsequent revisions) and Article 55 of the Agricultural and Fishery Cooperation Savings Insurance Act (Act No. 53 of 1973 and including subsequent revisions). Article 6: Miscellaneous 1. Prohibition of Transfer or Pledge: The Customer shall not be allowed to transfer, assign, lend, mortgage or pledge the rights under the transactions made herein. 2. Losses: DCOM shall be liable for any losses and damages deriving from these events: a. National calamity, war, any incident in transit, civil unrest, restriction by laws, emergency restriction by Government, or by a Public Body (like the Central Bank, etc.) b. Failure of DCOM's computer system caused by failure of telecommunications connectivity/other problems (for example, unable to access the web, for web-based remittance systems). c. Legal dispute among the Sender, the Receiver and/or third party. d. Any other loss other than that of DCOM's. 3. Liability: a. DCOM shall not be responsible for errors or delays in the domestic fund transfer, or for inaccuracies in the instructions provided to DCOM, or for any other consequences arising from causes beyond its control or service delays due to local regulations. Nor is DCOM responsible for any consequential damages caused by errors. b. IN NO EVENT SHALL DCOM BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES FOR DELAY, NONDELIVERY, NONPAYMENT OR UNDERPAYMENT OF THIS MONEY TRANSFER, WHETHER DUE TO THE FAULT, ERROR OR OMISSION OF DCOM, FOR MORE THAN THE REMITTANCE AMOUNT PLUS THE SERVICE FEES PAID BY THE SENDER, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY THE JAPANESE LAW. 4. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Matters not stipulated in this agreement shall be governed by laws, regulations, customs and practices of Japan and other relevant countries and the procedures prescribed by DCOM and DCOM’s Reps. 5. Customer Inquiries and Complaints: The Customer may contact DCOM for inquiries (including inquiries about the status of progress of remittance transactions) and complaints to the address, contact telephone/fax numbers mentioned below. D.COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 2F - 6F Across Shinkawa Bldg., 1-8-8 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 〒104-0033. Tel: 03–6661-2477 Fax: 03–6661-9181 Contact time: 09:30 – 18:00 (Monday – Friday) 6. Complaint Processing Procedures and Dispute Resolution Procedures: DCOM has implemented the following complaint processing procedures and dispute resolution procedures. The following external organizations may be used for complaints and disputes concerning the remittance business operated by DCOM. Tokyo Bar Association – Dispute Resolution Center Tel: 03-3581-0031 Contact time: 09:30 ~ 12:00 and 13:00 ~ 15:00 from Monday to Friday (Excluding public holidays and year-end/new year holidays) Contact address: 2F - 6F Bengoshi Kaikan, 1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013 Tokyo Daiichi Bar Association – Arbitration Center. Tel: 03-3595-8588 Contact time: 10:00 ~ 12:00 and 13:00 ~ 16:00 from Monday to Friday (Excluding public holidays and year-end/new year holidays) Contact address: 11F Bengoshi Kaikan, 1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013 Tokyo Daini Bar Association – Arbitration Center Tel: 03-3581-2249 Contact time: 09:30 ~ 12:00 and 13:00 ~ 17:00 from Monday to Friday (Excluding public holidays and year-end/new year holidays) Contact address: 9F Bengoshi Kaikan, 1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013 7. Jurisdiction: This Agreement is governed by the laws of Japan. This English translation is for the reference purpose only. An any and all question which may arise in regard to the meaning of the words, provisions and stipulations of this Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the official Japanese version. (*)Notice of changes: From time to time, DCOM may change the content of this Agreement. In such cases, DCOM shall announce the date of the change and the content of the change on the premises of DCOM, etc., and handle matters in accordance with the changed content after the date of the change. Checking the effective date below allows you to determine whether there have been changes since the last time you reviewed the policy. DCOM shall not be held liable for any losses arising from such changes. Established Date: July 02, 2012. Effective Date: This policy was last modified on May 7, 2019.